Parivartan Foundation – Empowering Lives, Inspiring Change

Welcome to Parivartan Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing positive change to communities and empowering individuals to build a brighter future. Through our various programs and initiatives, we strive to create a society where everyone has equal opportunities and access to essential resources. Join us in our mission to make a lasting impact and transform lives.


  1. Education for All: We believe that education is the key to unlocking one’s potential. Our Education for All program focuses on providing quality education to underprivileged children and youth. We support schools, provide scholarships, and offer vocational training to equip them with the necessary skills for a better future.
  2. Healthcare Support: Access to proper healthcare is a basic human right. Our Healthcare Support program aims to improve healthcare services and raise awareness about preventive healthcare in disadvantaged communities. We organize medical camps, provide medical supplies, and offer health education programs to promote well-being.
  3. Women Empowerment: We are committed to empowering women and creating a gender-equal society. Our Women Empowerment program focuses on providing skill development training, entrepreneurship opportunities, and access to microfinance for women. We also advocate for gender equality and work towards eliminating gender-based discrimination.
  4. Environmental Conservation: Protecting the environment is crucial for a sustainable future. Through our Environmental Conservation program, we engage in tree plantation drives, promote waste management practices, and raise awareness about the importance of conservation. We actively collaborate with local communities and organizations to preserve our natural resources.
  5. Disaster Relief: In times of natural disasters and emergencies, immediate support is vital. Our Disaster Relief program provides timely assistance and relief supplies to affected communities. We work closely with local authorities and other relief organizations to ensure that those in need receive essential aid promptly.

How You Can Help:

  1. Donate: Your generous donations enable us to continue our work and reach more individuals in need. You can make a one-time contribution or become a monthly donor to support our programs. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant difference.
  2. Volunteer: Join our team of dedicated volunteers and actively participate in our initiatives. Whether you have a specific skill to offer or want to make a difference through hands-on work, we welcome your support. Together, we can create a positive impact.
  3. Spread Awareness: Help us amplify our message by sharing our mission and work with your friends, family, and social networks. Follow us on social media, share our posts, and engage with our content. Your voice can inspire change and encourage others to get involved.
  4. Corporate Partnerships: We actively seek collaborations with corporations and businesses that align with our mission and values. By partnering with us, you can make a meaningful difference in the lives of communities and contribute to sustainable development.

Join Parivartan Foundation today and be a catalyst for change. Together, we can create a society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and realize their full potential. For more information and to get involved, visit our website or contact us directly.